18x18" Watercolor and watercolor sticks on Arches CP 140lb. His hand seems a bit too big, no? I will also cover those background shapes in the top right, they are distracting. It feels good to work larger, especially now that I have an Isabey Cat's Tongue Pointed Oval Wash
(It is made of squirrel tails not of cat tongues :)) My dear brother got a size 8 one for me. Sometimes I wish it had more snap ("snap" is how springy a brush is) but overall, I love it!
On a somewhat different note, six of my paintings are currently in a show at the Eclipse gallery. If you are local (high desert), you have an opportunity to see some interesting art. The theme of the show is "Work on paper and chairs" - and yes, there ARE some strange chairs, too :). I should have posted about this a while ago (the reception was last Saturday and was quite a success).
And finally, something I am very excited about - the above-mentioned gallery is hosting their first "figure studies" - a figure drawing (or painting in my case) session! Tonight! You are invited, too :) To read more about it, please click the link to the gallery's Facebook page above.