Funny that I should now talk about selfies, as just in the last post, I included a selfie-painting and got all self-analyzing. And, like, stuff.
Sorry...couldn't help it. I still associate the word 'selfie,' even beatified by the Oxford English Dictionary, with less-than-clever teenage girls. Along with corresponding vocabulary.
Anyway, to business. And the business is that I am taking the "Rock A Selfie Photoshoot" class with Vivienne McMaster. There are several reasons I decided to do it now. I recently had a LASIK surgery and now don't wear glasses. So, my 4-year-old current head shot is definitely not very current.
The second reason has to do with the complete disorientation I experienced over the past year. It brought into focus the fact that I don't know myself very well or, what is more likely, that I lost the connection with myself a while ago. My values, my beliefs, my relationships, my goals in life, all became questionable and blurry. So, taking this class seemed like a way to pay a little more attention to myself, hopefully with some revelations, affirmations and good images as a bonus.
This was a me-on-my-path prompt, which turned out difficult for me. I've been feeling disoriented, sometimes suspended in mid-air not sure which way is up; sometimes definitely plummeting down; sometimes touching the ground for a second and then bouncing off again. So an image of me walking down a path would not ring true.
I was surprised at the pure luck of catching my feet so high in the air. Ideally, of course, they would be in focus...And the bottom right is where I would like to be. Feet firm on the ground, safe, confident. Ready to go.
And there is yet another reason. Reference photos for a semi-secret series of paintings I have been plotting for several months. I considered hiring a model for these but maybe someone like me will do :)