So it's been a while. At least, if you read my blog regularly, you aren't too tired of seeing me in your inbox :) . I'd like to think I am slowly coming out of the 'fallow' state I've been in (a nod here to the amazing Margaret Atwood). The Selfie class (see previous post) was good, though I felt caught off guard when it ended. I still haven't completed the 'final project' - an awesome 1-2 hour photoshoot with myself, which should result in some nice head shots and mysterious full body images. I do feel more prepared for it, though. Soon, I will do it.
One of the prompts from the class - use your tools/props!
Last week, I did a demo for the Sacramento Public Library's art program. It was good to share my knowledge and love for watercolor painting again. I miss teaching. There are local workshops and online classes that I have on the back burner but I haven't had the energy to get them going yet. Soon...soon.
Another thing I've been busy with is lots of freelancing. Architectural concept illustration for the most part, with some book illustration thrown in. Income-generating activities, in other words. This allowed me to keep my mind occupied and helped us finally become debt-free. Which we celebrated by buying a house, which is guaranteed debt for the next 30 years...But anyway, we have a house we will be moving into in two weeks! I will lose the home studio for a while but a plan to studio-ise part of the garage is in the works. And maybe a separate little shed of a studio outside down the road.
Working on an architectural illustration of a residential development in Colorado
Meanwhile, my son is finishing Kindergarten, my middle daughter turned 3, and the baby is now 1.5. They all are beautiful and they make me happy. I'd say they are growing on me :)